
Diets... Keto, Paleo, Bulletproof, Carb Cycling, Intermittent Fasting, Mediterranean Diet, I can go on... There are some basic principles that explain why diets work (or don't). We'll take a quick look here. Any program that creates a deficit of energy balance, irrespective of it's health benefits (or lack of), will…

What’s the Best Diet?

You are unique. There is no single "best" diet for everyone. There are, however, basic principles under which all people can benefit, and which should be used to create the best nutrition program for you. NUTRITION: Eat whole, minimally processed or unprocessed foods. Organic is ideal. Focus on vegetables. Get…

Is Inflammation Always a Bad Thing?

Heart disease is caused by inflammation, so is  High Blood Pressure, stroke, asthma, allergies, pain from injury, and most chronic disease. In fact, even the symptoms you get from a cold (stuffy nose, tight chest, difficulty breathing, etc) is the result of inflammation. Many of the medications that we take…

Just Breathe…

It's incredible the amount of stress that the average American finds themselves under each day. It starts with our alarms waking us up. Then, we frantically run around the house getting our kids ready for school, wolfing down our breakfasts (often standing up), chugging coffee, and rushing. Of course, we…
